Can You use Your Phone on a Cruise Ship?

The view out to sea from the promenade deck at sunset

Can You Use Your Phone at Sea?

Like Christmas eve, everything is packed and ready to go, the house is walking a fine line between show-home and organised chaos, and you're ready for an early night before the big day. But while you're getting ready to board your ship, you might be wondering how to keep in touch with friends and family throughout your trip. It's common knowledge that cruise ship wifi packages are tantamount to daylight robbery - so can you just use your phone on board instead? The short answer is yes. You will be able to get a mobile phone signal while at sea but, before you breathe a sigh of relief, keep reading for the full story. If you don't, you could be liable for a phone bill worth several hundred pounds! 

Moxy Hotels Southampton Review - The Perfect Pre-Cruise Stay?

Moxy Southampton Chill Out Area with Cushions spelling "sea" and board games on the tables

Moxy Southampton - The Ideal Pre Cruise Stay?

Southampton isn’t just a student city - it’s the busiest cruise ship port in the UK, and one of the busiest in Europe. With this in mind, you won’t be surprised to learn that you’ll be spoilt for choice when trying to find a hotel in Southampton. Whether you’re looking for a pre-cruise say or a weekend getaway, Southampton is the perfect base for your adventures. In my never-ending pursuit to find the best hotel in Southampton for your money, I stayed at Moxy in Southampton city centre for a night to put it to the test.

After first experiencing Moxy during a mini-break, the quirky hotel chain has been a go-to for me. Full of personality without being style-over-substance, Moxy always manages to cover the basics and sprinkle some fun and luxurious touches on top. Each Moxy hotel is decorated to reflect the local area - in Chester the communal spaces features thoughtful touches that gave a nod to the city’s horse racing heritage, so you can imagine the nautical theme running through the chain’s Southampton offering.

Open vs. Closed Storage: Finding the Right Balance for Your Bedroom

Choosing the right storage solutions for your bedroom plays a key role in ensuring your space is both functional and stylish. Capturing the right balance between open and closed storage can significantly impact the look and feel of the room. 

5 Bucket List European Holiday Destinations to Visit in 2025

Hey Owlets,

For almost a decade I've been exploring Europe to experience the wide variety of cultures across the continent. With diverse landscapes and rich histories, it doesn't matter which country (or countries!) you choose to visit, you'll have plenty of opportunities to experience something new. Whether you're seeking the sun, snow, or an adventure, there are so many incredible options for your European holiday in 2025. So if you're seeking inspiration for your 2025 travels, here are some of my personal recommendations for every kind of holiday in Europe this year. 

What to Pack for Northern Norway & The Arctic Circle

Becky is standing in front of a snow pile in Tromsø

Visiting the Arctic Circle, whether in Norway or another country, is a magical once in a lifetime experience, but preparing for your trip is a level of overwhelm that I've not experienced since moving house. For someone that resides in a fairly temperate climate all year round, the concept of battling -30ºC doesn't even begin to compute. I found myself in this exact position at the end of November. Having fallen down a rabbit hole of frantic Googling, asked many people more knowledgable than myself for advice and with the benefit of hindsight after living with my mistakes, I'm fairly confident that I can offer you a foolproof guide to getting ready for your trip to the Arctic Circle.